American Pitbull Terriers/American Bully descended from extremely
people-oriented breeds. These dogs are very affectionate, even clingy. Despite their forbidding exterior,
American bully /pitbull are soft-hearted, enjoy affection and interacting with humans. These dogs love
the entire family rather than just one person and are known to adore children.
American Bullies / Pit bulls have a high tolerance of pain and are able to withstand roughness and even pain inflicted by children. They rarely snarl and never bite. At the same time, they know that children are their tireless playmates and best friends. As is the case with other breeds, correct socialization is key for normal interaction between these dogs and children.
Bullies and Pitbulls strangers well, as aggressiveness was a highly undesirable trait for their ancestors. If raised correctly, they are friendly and well-mannered. Some individual dogs may be wary and distrustful, but friendly animals who regard strangers as potential friends constitute the vast majority of the breed. However, they still need to undergo training, as these dogs’ physical strength makes them unmanageable in a hostile situation.
American Pit-bull Terriers / American Bully have natural protective instinct but are calm. They may make acceptable watch dogs, but are not sufficiently aggressive for this purpose. However, they don’t really need to be aggressive, as their looks are often deterring enough.
Confident but NOT aggressive, these dogs have very agreeable temperament. American Bully has a physically impressive, athletic built that combines strength and agility. American Pitbull Terriers / American Bully is a versatile breed that’s able to serve multiple purposes. In general, Pitbulls / American Bully is a well-built, reliable and trustworthy family companion dog. The breed is distinguished by its sociability and eagerness to please.
Founded in the United States between 1980 and 1990, the American Bully was produced using a foundation American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers bred to several bulldog-type breeds. It was created with the purpose of being a family companion dog.
American Bully’s unique feature is the fact that this breed was developed by tens or even hundreds of breeders rather than by a single person or club. Many of these breeders worked independently from each other. The states of Virginia and South Carolina were at the heart of these efforts, but the fashion spread rapidly across the entire country. The emergence of the breed’s name and even the exact time the breed itself came into existence is still a mystery. Bullies became widely known in the beginning of the XXI century but gained popularity in the last 5-8 years.
Since the breed was created by multiple breeders who often were unsure of the end result they were trying to achieve, American Bully boasts a wide variety of exteriors. They may be either significantly smaller or larger than the original American Pit Bull Terriers. Coat markings are not regulated, either. Body type, built and proportions vary much more than those of other purebred dogs, with American Bully being a very stocky, muscular breed. Nevertheless, they closely resemble their ancestor, and are easily confused for other breeds.
Like its ancestors, American Bully facilitated the formation of multiple clubs and organizations, including American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC), United Bully Kennel Club (UBKC), Bully Breed Kennel Club (BBKC), and United Canine Association (UCA). European Bully Kennel Club (EBKC) has its offices on Malta, in France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Italy.
Despite being a young breed, American Bullies are popular in the US. The population of registered dogs is rather large, and the unregistered one even larger. Although there is no formal statistical data, it appears that there are already more dogs of this breed in the US than is required for formal breed recognition by kennel clubs. There are also numerous American Bullies in Europe and Russia. Today, American Bullies are companion dogs, but they may also be used to complete other tasks.
Extra attention should be paid to feeding a Bully/Pit bull puppy in the first year of their life, as this is crucial for his skeletal system development, teeth and coat. Lack of proper nutrition may lead to rickets, incorrect paw size and a lackluster coat. Dogs of the same size or breed do not necessarily require the same food amounts. Nutrition needs depend on your pet’s activity level, their environment and metabolism particularities.
Starting at 2-3 months of age, puppies should be fed 4-5 times a day, or about every 3-4 hours; at 3-4 months of age, portions should be increased and meals reduced to 3-4 a day. 4-6 month-old puppies are fed 3 times a day, at 7-9 months feedings are reduced to 2-3 times a day, and twice daily after 9-12 months of age. The food bowl should be removed after the meal, leaving only the water bowl. Attention: "The puppy must always have access to fresh water!"
A dog that’s being fed correctly is lively and full of energy. Don’t overfeed your dog. If your dog is lethargic and not interested in running during walks but isn’t showing any signs of illness it may be the result of overfeeding. If your dog’s skin is dry and flaky you need to add fish oil to their food.
Meat products are the most nutritious food ingredient for dogs, as they are easily digestible. However, feeding meat exclusively can kill a dog. Only fresh meat products may be fed raw. About 60% of B vitamins, chlorides and phosphates are lost during meat processing. Feeding very fatty meats, especially pork, is not recommended, as they may contain trichinas and tapeworms more often than other types of meat. Feeding raw saltwater fish once a week is beneficial for your dog, as it contains highly digestible proteins, phosphorus, vitamin A, iodine and bone matter. Do not feed your dog raw freshwater fish, as it has a high incidence of ascarids or whipworm infestation. Some raw bones (excluding tubular), scalded with boiling water, are good for your dog. They should be included in your dog’s diet in moderation. When fed in large quantities, they may cause indigestion or even obstruction, as well as early loss of teeth. Cooked bones may cause constipation.
Many breeders and owners feed whole chicken drumsticks to their dogs, not realizing that sharp splinters may cause serious damage to their intestines. It’s like playing a lottery – you can play all your life and never win, or hit the “jackpot” on the first try. We choose to not endanger our dogs lives, and suggest that you do the same! It’s also not recommended to include milk in your dog’s diet, as it may cause digestive issues, despite being rich in calcium and phosphorus.
Give your dog a raw egg once a week with food. Raw eggs are beneficial for sick or recovering animals as well as for breeding stock animals before mating. Grinded raw vegetables are great for dogs; you should also feed some whole vegetables and fruit to your pet. It’s OK if some of it is not fully digested. Chewing on whole apples, cabbage heads or carrots helps cleanse the dogs’ teeth of the plaque. Raw vegetables, fruit, berries and meat should be introduced into puppies diet early and given to them regularly so that the dogs don’t get out of the habit of enjoying these nutritious foods.
Hot seasonings, as well as all types of sweets and pastries, cause itching and hair loss and are contraindicated to your dog.
The food temperature must not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Never give hot or frozen foods to your pet.
It is recommended that dogs of tall breeds be fed from a bowl elevated to their chest level, to stimulate proper skeletal development. Bowls with moveable supports are great for this purpose, since they can be shifted up as the puppy grows.
Dogs are carnivores. As such, they should be eating a diet of predominantly meat. Equally as important, it should be raw. Animals don’t cook their foods. Your dog needs raw muscle meat, organs, fatty tissue, and bones. Raw dog food diets are controversial. But the popularity of the diets which emphasize raw meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables is rising.
A raw dog food diet typically consists of:
The main benefit of raw feeding is by far a healthier and happier dog. When dogs eat food that is biologically appropriate, they will absorb all the nutrients from their food making their immune system, digestive system, and other bodily functions stronger. This will pay off over time as your dog will need less veterinary care and will avoid contracting more serious diseases as they age. The amount of salt in dry food begins at 1.2%, the same percentage of salt that is in salted peanuts (and 4 times a dog’s RDA of salt per meal!). If there was no salt in the dry foods, the dogs would not touch the stuff. Due to the high amounts of salt in their diets, dry fed dogs drink huge amounts of water, causing higher amounts of urine. Toilet issues aside this fuels kidney disease in dogs. Although there are many that disagree on raw dog food diet contact your Vet for further education.
American Bullies/Pit Bull Terrier’s main traits include a strong, powerful neck and wide chest with a well-developed muscular system. The dog’s weight isn’t regulated and may range from 70 to 160 pounds. All colorings are allowable for American Bullies/Pit Bull Terrier’s; the coat may be a solid color or have markings.
Swag Kennels breeds American Bullies/Pit Bull Terrier’s of varying colorings, such as champagne (red nose), lilac, lilac tri, blue (bluenose), as well as the most popular Merle/Lilac Merle. Pit Bulls are more than a dog; they are a reflection of his owner – a lifestyle – a worldview. They don’t forgive weakness and doesn’t ask for indulgence. American Bullies is a dog for strong-spirited, self-sufficient people, and it’s only in their hands that he will shine like a skillfully cut diamond and showcase the breed’s best features
American Bullies/Pit Bull Terrier’s is known and prized for being multifunctional: its athletic exterior, courageous temperament, sturdiness, strong spirit, as for well as being manageable, loving, and infinitely loyal to its family. It is ideal for families with children. This breed has performed well not only in dog shows but also in various sports, such as weight pulling. Swag Kennels own one of the best sons of National Champion in weight pulling Dela Cruz “Sancho 5150” and 3X Proven World Champion Dela Cruz White Dragon 5150
Diarrhea affects not only humans but also various animal species. Puppies can get diarrhea often. If your dog defecates 2-4 times a day and the feces have a firm texture, this is normal. More frequent and runny/watery stools should be a cause for concern. Many owners don’t know what to do in these situations, or simply ignore them. Such negligence may cost your pet their life. Panicking and hoping for the issue to resolve itself are both erroneous approaches when you notice diarrhea. It’s important to evaluate the severity of the dog’s condition and take immediate steps towards recovery.
If your dog starts having diarrhea for any of the above reasons, immediate measures must be taken. Prolonged diarrhea may lead to dehydration and even the animal’s death.
Bloody diarrhea is a common reason for visits to the vet. That is the right decision, as the dog requires immediate testing for infections. Bloody diarrhea is a symptom of a serious illness, including:
Treatment at home is ineffective; contact a veterinarian immediately. Every hour is critical and time lost may lead to the dog’s death.
Dogs may occasionally develop yellow or slimy black stool. These symptoms may mean:
The course of action for treating of diarrhea is determined by how dangerous and how lengthy the diarrhea is. Short-term, mild diarrhea may be treated by the owner at home. Sever cases of diarrhea must be treated by eliminating their cause.
You must never:
It is important to halt food intake in dogs with runny stools. Skip several meals or withhold food for 24 hours. However, the dog must have unlimited access to fresh water, to prevent dehydration. The next morning, offer the dog some chicken broth. You may also make thin rice gruel with minced chicken breast for your dog. Do not force the dog to finish the entire portion; a couple of tablespoons will be enough to start the recovery process. It is not recommended to introduce heavy, fatty foods immediately after the dog has recovered. It is best to keep feeding gruel to your pet for a while. If the appetite loss continues for an extended period of time, it may signify an ongoing discomfort. Take your dog to the vet and discuss further plans for his nutrition.
Canine parvovirus is an infectious viral disease that affects dogs. The virus can manifest itself in two forms. Digestive form is the most common, with vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and anorexia being its main symptoms. The cardiac form is less common; it affects the heart muscle of puppies between 6 weeks and 6 months of age. This disease is occurring with a significantly lower frequency at this time due to timely vaccination of puppies.
The main symptoms of parvovirus enteritis are severe bloody diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, fever, vomiting and significant weight loss. The intestinal form of parvovirus prevents the dog’s body from absorbing nutrients, causing rapid dehydration and weakness due to insufficient protein and liquid intake. The mucous membranes of eyes and mouth become inflamed, and the heartbeat increases. The dog may experience pain or discomfort during abdominal palpation. Some dogs may experience lowered body temperature instead of a fever. Please see your veterinarian if your dogs has any of these symptoms.
The most common cause of the disease is a mutated strain of the common parvovirus – type II canine parvovirus. Multiple risk factors can increase the dog’s susceptibility to the infection, but the virus is usually passed through direct contact with an infected animal or their feces. A high concentration of the virus is contained in an infected dog’s excrements, and the disease is passed on to other animals through sniffing.
An owner can carry the virus into the house with fragments of infected feces on his shoes. The virus has been proven to be able to survive in soil for years. It is resistant to weather changes and most cleaners. If you have been in contact with feces for any reason, treat all affected surfaces with a cleaner containing chlorine. Only chlorine is known to kill parvo. Incorrect vaccination protocols or refusing to vaccinate are among the other common causes of parvo infection. Adhering to the correct vaccination schedule is the most effective preventive measure against parvovirus.
Puppies should be vaccinated at 4, 8 and 16 weeks and then at 9 and 12 months of age. Limit your dog’s contact with other animals for 2 weeks after the last booster shot. All Swag Kennels puppies receive 2-3 rounds of vaccinations and are dewormed before being shipped to their new families!